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What can we learn from philosophers when working as a coach? – Cicero

Foto van schrijver: MIke BrouwerMIke Brouwer

Bijgewerkt op: 5 dec 2022

Cicero was a prominent Roman philosopher, politician, lawyer, orator, and statesman who lived in the 1st century BC. As a coach, we can learn from Cicero's teachings on topics such as rhetoric, philosophy, ethics, and public speaking. Specifically, his teachings on public speaking can be especially useful for coaches, as they focus on the importance of being able to express ideas and arguments in a clear and convincing manner. Additionally, Cicero's teachings on ethics and morality can help coaches develop a moral compass for their coaching practice, and his philosophy on living a good and meaningful life can provide coaches with valuable insight into the human condition. Finally, his rhetoric can help coaches to better articulate their thoughts, opinions, and advice to their clients.

Or in other words:

1. Listen actively. Cicero said, “The first duty is to listen.” This means being fully present when engaged in conversations with clients and showing genuine interest in their thoughts and feelings.

2.Be supportive. Cicero said, “No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.” As a coach, it is important to provide support and encouragement to your clients as they strive to reach their goals.

3.Stay positive. Cicero said, “You will never find a better counselor than optimism.” As a coach, it is essential to remain positive and focus on the potential of each client.

4.Lead with integrity. Cicero said, “Integrity is the highest quality.” As a coach, it is important to conduct yourself with the highest ethical standards and lead by example.

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